Review – The Belko Experiment

The Belko Experiment is the definition of B-movie madness. This is a movie that would have played perfectly at a midnight screening in a garbage theater on some sort of hallucinogenic drug. It is a bloody, violent, insane movie with a simple plot, cliché characters and the right amount of cheesiness.
The Belko Experiment takes place at Belko Industries, a government building set in middle of nowhere Columbia. On a typical work day, the building is taken over by a mysterious voice on the intercom that threatens the lives of all the workers there. Tension rises and the workers must soon decide if they follow voice’s sadistic plans or take matters into their own hands.
There isn’t really much to say about this movie without getting into detail about certain plot points, twists, and the number of murders that occur. The movie takes a little bit for the violence to get going, as it establishes a number of characters and gives them brief backstories that we quickly forget minutes after meeting them. The movie then dives into the humanity of the situation, as the voice on the intercom threatens to kill the employees if they don’t kill one another first. The movie asks you to ask yourself would you do in the situation? But shortly after it asks this question, shit hits the fan and the film is pure anarchy.
The last 45 minutes of the film is an assault on the senses. A quick-cutting bloodfest of murder and carnage. I guess there are some characters to root for, which depending who you pick, says a lot about who you are as a person. Spoiler alert, they’re probably going to die anyway and in some gruesome manner. The last scene is rather bizarre and not what I expected at all. I’m not sure if I really liked, but I definitely didn’t hate it and would like to see what happens next.
The Belko Experiment will entertain you if you go into it with the right mindset. If you’re looking for a smart, character driven drama with a message, this is not your movie. But, if you want a mindless and entertaining barrage of killing, this is your jam.
MY RATING – 2.5/4
Did you see The Belko Experiment? What did you think? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.
I took a dump on Phillip Rivers’ lawn after watching The Belko Experiment.